In hospitals, nursing homes, buildings under construction, prisons, mines, where you cannot install communication cables, the right solution is to use wireless devices that work on batteries, which in this case are wi-fi IP nurse call points.
For concrete buildings or metal structures where it is not possible to install cables or the cables would look very ugly, the only solution is Wi-Fi nurse call.
It will make the installation very neat and will not spoil the appearance of the space.
Wi Fi call point is very easy to program and register into ZALOM’s Call Master software. For this work you need a mobile phone and a Wi-Fi call point.
Call Master server with hospital ID use a static IP local address plus a static IP public address which are the same.
Wi Fi network with specific router name like a “PLUTO” must me adjusted to have same IP address like Call Master server local IP address and IP public address.
If Call Master server address is than
“PLUTO” router IP4 address must be set to
In order to set this IP address into wi-fi call point , you have to connect your mobile phone to wi-fi call points hotspot, by putting jumper on the terminal 2 and activating call points, which will work as an internet hotspot. When your phone is connected to the wi-fi call points, you have to go to Google browser and type and you will be able to program IP address same as Call Master server and router IP4 address. You have to enter router wi-fi name “PLUTO”, password of the “PLUTO” (8888connectme) and port 8080
When you enter above data, you just submit and job is done. Your tool is mobile phone.
Wi-Fi IP Nurse Call
Wi-Fi IP Nurse Call
Wi-Fi IP Nurse Call
Wi-Fi IP Nurse Call